What is Allergic colds How to Prevent from it
What is Allergic colds How to Prevent from it
When a disease, big or small, starts to recur despite frequent treatment, there is concern about why the disease does not go away in addition to the physical pain of the disease. Isn't it possible for the patient to get rid of the various problems caused by allergies when they start recurring? Asks such questions. Frequent colds due to allergies cause runny nose, sneezing, headache, red eyes, itchy eyes-ears-nose-throat end-skin irritation - irritation as well as weakness, fatigue, boredom, lethargy. All these physical and mental afflictions result in side effects on daily work, even on business.
Once the cause of the cold is known to be an allergy, the patient takes antiallergic medications on his own and seeks temporary relief. But the patient is constantly struggling to get a permanent solution as the drugs also cause side effects such as sore throat and drowsiness.

Let us know what Ayurveda suggests for the treatment of such chronic-complex allergic rhinitis.
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What is an allergy?
Allergy Allos and Ergon are a combination of two words. It means another work that arises unnecessarily
The body’s natural protective power ઇ immunity counters the causes responsible for disease through a specific action-reaction. When a foreign substance harmful to the body comes in contact with the body, it naturally produces antigens and antibodies to react protectively against the antigen. As the cells undergo further damage during the body's protective process of antigen-antibodies, specific symptoms occur which are called allergic reactions.
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