Aayurvedik auashadhi ropa uchher babat

Aayurvedik auashadhi ropa uchher babat

The Department of Education, Gandhinagar has issued a circular to the schools stating that every primary school should have a herb garden in which various medicinal seedlings are grown regularly with the help of students as well as teachers. According to the new circular, students and teachers have been instructed to prepare a new medicinal garden.

In which various nurseries are reared in such a way that medicinal seedlings are planted and nurtured well so that the qualities in it develop in the children and also the importance of the medicine is developed in the children. Grants have been allotted as per the minimum number of saplings per school as per the various circulars as shown in the circular and grants have been allotted accordingly so that every school in every district can benefit from this herbal nursery center for students and schools. The amount will be credited to the school account at the Nursery Center.

A special instruction not to cultivate any object or tree plantation has been given through a circular which will have to be specially implemented or only the avashadhi rupa used in various herbal medicines at this medicinal nursery center will be used. Must be sent

An annual delicate herb cultivated extensively in tropical climate of the country. it's conjointly planted in garden and as an interior plant since it's unbroken sacred in Hindu philosophy. Medicinally the leaves area unit used for numerous quite classical and residential created preparations.

Tulsi medicative Uses & edges

Indian mythology attaches a good significance to Basil by recognizing it as a holy herb. Perhaps, such significance comes from the particular health applications of the herb. Its use is suggested as a primary aid within the treatment of metabolism, organic process and skin diseases. aside from these common ailments, Ayurveda conjointly acknowledges its use for the diseases move up to tumerous growths. Experimental studies determine it to be a extremely promising immunomodulator, cytoprotective and malignant neoplasm agent.

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પસંદગી થયેલ 100 શાળાનું લિસ્ટ

Following area unit the advantages & uses of Tulsi plant or Holy Basil/Ocimum Sanctum.

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