Palak Mata Pita Yojna Gujarat

 Palak Mata Pita Yojna Gujarat

Palak Mata Pita Yojna Gujarat
Our child care system is broken. Parents are unable to locate or afford quality care; providers and teachers are unable to support themselves or their businesses with meager system reimbursements or compensation; employers lose productivity every time an employee cannot secure reliable child care; and children who could flourish under the care and teaching of an early childhood educator are falling behind on the relationships and experiences critical to their growth and development.

Child Care Aware of America (CCAoA) decided to think ambitiously about how we might take the lessons of 2020 and build a better child care system. One that is affordable, accessible, provides children the healthy start they need, and one that is actively anti-racist. And because the COVID-19 pandemic worsened our nation’s already precipitous decline of accessible child care, it is in the news. Child care is having a moment.  

In order to pursue this opportunity, CCAoA began its Together Towards Transformation project. The central question of this project was: If we were to build a better child care system, what would it look like and how would we do it? Such a daunting question, however, could not be answered in a vacuum.Thus, CCAoA deliberately sought out input from multiple groups touched by child care, and who had a stake in its success.

Explore the results of these conversations and our analysis of what we learned from them and join CCAoA in this fight for a stronger child care system.

As Chief Executive Officer of Child Care Aware® of America (CCAoA), Lynette M. Fraga, Ph.D., is a passionate practitioner, advocate, and leader in the field of child care and early learning, working to advance the accessibility of quality child care experiences for all children.

Dr. Fraga has over 25 years of experience as an educator, program director, and executive leader working on behalf of children and families. Since her selection in 2012 as the Executive Director at CCAoA, Dr. Fraga has sought to position Child Care Aware® of America as the nation’s leading voice on child care in policy, practice, and research. As an authority on child development, Dr. Fraga serves in an advisory capacity on a number of national panels and committees that have included the American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Early Childhood (COEC), the Institute of Medicine Early Care and Education Collaborative, Healthy Kids Healthy Futures Steering Committee, NAEYC’s Power to the Profession Task Force, and the Early Care and Education Innovation Collaborative (ECE IC). In addition she currently serves on the boards of Generations United, whose mission is the improve the lives of children and youth and older people through intergenerational collaboration, policies and programs; All Our Kin, an organization that trains, supports, and sustains community child care providers to ensure that children and families have the foundation they need to succeed in school and in life; and Let’s Grow Kids, whose mission is to ensure that by 2025, every Vermont family has affordable access to high-quality child care in a self-sustaining system. Dr. Fraga also served as the Chair of the Children’s Leadership Council (CLC), a coalition of 55 leading national organizations that worked together to improve the health, education, and well-being of children and youth.

Dr. Fraga began her career in early childhood as a teacher in infant, toddler and preschool classrooms, and has since held positions at the local, state, and national level within the nonprofit, corporate, and higher education sectors.

Dr. Fraga holds a doctoral degree in Family Studies from Kansas State University, a master’s degree in Human Relations from the University of Oklahoma, and holds a bachelor’s degree in Special Education from the University of Arizona.

Child Care Aware of America is a non-profit program designed to help families, including military families, who need help with child care. The agency provides referrals, tools and resources nationwide.

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