Correction letter regarding the age at which a child will get admission in a private school for free.
Correction letter regarding the age at which a child will get admission in a private school for free.
Correction letter regarding the age at which a child will get admission in a private school for free.
Standard No. Admission Age Limit Today's Director Shri No Latest Circular
Know till what date admission can be given to children?
How many years can a child be given admission in Std 1 in 2023-24?
Swami Vivekananda used to say that failure is the basis of success. If you have never faced failure, then it is also a simple means that you have never tried anything new.
Matter of taking action as per the notification of the Education Department regarding the amendment made in Rule No. 3 of Gujarat RTE Rules-2012
R.T.E. As per Act-2009, Gujarat RTE Rules-2012 is in force in the entire state. The following changes have been made in Rule No. 03 (1) of Gujarat RTE Rules-2012 by the notification of the education department referred to.
Not getting success is not a matter of concern but it is a matter of concern not to make efforts for success. Failing not to try is more humiliating than trying to fail.
One thing and man does not learn from success as much as failure learns. Failure always leads to an experienced human being.
Be unsuccessful, never mind, but never be uninterested. The unsuccessful person has 100% chance of succeeding in life, as long as he keeps trying.
Respected and revered is not your success but your struggle, your effort. Successful people do not do anything new, but trying people definitely have the ability to do something new one day.
Your confidence should always remain. Your courage should never be weakened. Remain persistent, do not get success, but you will definitely get respect.
Do not lose courage, God neither do it.
Smiling, pass life.
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Correction letter regarding the age at which a child will get admission in a private school for free.
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