Circular and Word file regarding preparation of "School Hygiene Action Plan" under WASH in School Program

Circular and Word file regarding preparation of "School Hygiene Action Plan" under WASH in School Program

Circular and Word file regarding preparation of "School Hygiene Action Plan" under WASH in School Program

Every area has a boundary in life and the encroachment of the boundary becomes the cause of destruction of life. Excess of nectar also becomes poison and if consumed in moderation, poison also becomes nectar.

So our mystics gave the formula that - most universally ..

Food is very important for health, but if the same food is taken in excess of that quantity then it also becomes the cause of our ill health. Milk is considered nectar but due to excessive consumption, the same nectar like milk also becomes a poison for the body.

Equality is the makeup of life, so equity becomes essential for the beauty enhancement of life. If anger is also done at the border then it also becomes beneficial and if peace exceeds the limit then it also becomes detrimental. Moreover, other scriptures have even said that there should be no foolishness in life, but there should not be too much knowledge and tact. Because where there is a lot of knowledge, he will definitely give birth to the poison of ego like

Whenever there is an encroachment of the border in life, then a new tension and a new disturbance will also be born.



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