The most recent one-term president was George H.W. Bush. The Republican incumbent served as the 41st president of the United States from 1989 to 1993, but lost re-election to Democrat William (Bill) Clinton, who went on to complete two terms.

Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden will be the next President of the United States. He defeated Republican candidate Donald Trump in Tuesday's vote.

According to BBC estimates, Joe Biden has won a major victory in the state of Pennsylvania, considered important, after which he has crossed the 270 electoral college vote mark needed to reach the White House.

The BBC's estimate is based on informal results in states where counting of votes has already ended, and in states such as Wisconsin where counting continues.

This election has seen the highest number of votes since 1900. Biden has won over 7 crore votes so far. No President has received so many votes before

Serving from 1974 to 1977, Gerald Ford was the 38thpresident of the United States. The Republican incumbent lost re-election to President Carter.

Following the resignation of President Richard Nixon after the Watergate scandal, Ford became the first unelected president in U.S. history. Ford's controversial pardon of Nixon had consequences — and many blame it (along with numerous issues including a poor economy and the fall of South Vietnam) to have cost him the presidency.

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Joe Biden wrote on his Twitter, "America, you have chosen me to lead this great country, it is an honor for me."

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